2019年9月24日 星期二

Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad

Chapter 1

Fourth Brahmana


"He was afraid. Therefore one is alone is afraid. This one then thought to himself : "Since there is nothing else than myself, of what am I afraid?"

Therefore his fear, verily, passed away, for, of what should he have been afraid? Assuredly it is from a second that fear arises." 


"....Thus, indeed, He produced everything whatever exists, in pairs, down to the ants."


".....all this is His creation indeed and He Himself is all the gods........"


"At that time this (universe) was undifferentiated. It became differentiated by name and form (so that it is said) he has such a name, such a shape. Therefore even today this (universe) is differentiated by name and shape (so that it is said) he has such a name, such a shape.

He (the self) entered in here even to the tips of the nails, as a razor is (hidden) in the razor-case, or as fire in the fire source. Him they see not (as seen) he is incomplete, when breathing he is called the vital force, when speaking voice, when seeing the eye, when hearing the ear, when thinking the mind.

These are merely the names of his acts. He who meditates on one or another of them (aspects) he does not know for he is incomplete, with one or another of these (characteristics).

The Self is the foot-trace of all this, for by it one knows all this, just as one can find again by foot prints (what was lost). He who knows this finds fame and praise.   "


That self is dearer than a son, is dearer than wealth, is dearer  than everything else and is innermost. If one were to say to a person who speaks of anything else than the Self as dear, he will lose what he holds dear, he would very likely do so. One should meditate on the self alone as dear. He who meditates on the Self alone as dear, what he holds dear, verily, will not perish.


Brahman, indeed, was this in the beginning. It knew itself only as "I am Brahman." Therefore it became all.  Whoever among the gods became awakened to this, he, indeed, became that. It is the same in the case of seers, same in the case of men..... This is so even now.

Whoever know thus, "I am Brahman," becomes this all. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming thus, for he becomes their Self. So whoever worships another divinity (than his Self) thinking that he is one and (Brahman) another, he knows not. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes displeasure, what should one say of many (animals)? Therefore, it is not pleasing to those (gods) that men should know this." 


"....Verily, that which is justice is truth. Therefore, they say of a man who speaks the truth, he speaks justice or of a man who speaks justice that he speaks the truth. Verily, both there are the same." 


"If anyone, however, departs from this world without seeing (knowing) his own world, it being unknown, does not protect him....... Even if one performs a great and holy work, but without knowing this, that work of his is exhausted in the end.  

One should meditate only on the Self as his (true) world. The work of him who meditates on the Self alone as his world is not exhausted for, out of that very Self  he creates whatever he desires." 

Fifth Brahmana


"....Desire, determination, doubt, faith, lack of faith, steadfastness, lack of steadfastness, shame, intellectual, fear, all this is truly mind. Therefore even if one is touched on his back, he discerns it with the mind. Whatever sound there is, it is just speech. Verily, it serves to determine an end (object) but it not itself (determined or revealed). 

The in-breath, the out-breath, the diffused breath, the up-breath, the middle-breath, all that breathes is breath only*.

Verily, the Self consists of speech, mind and breathe." 

*The five vital breathes  (vital force) of our body


"......Verily, he who meditates on them (mind, speech, breath) as finite, wins a finite world. But he who meditates on them as infinite wins  an infinite world." 


"From the heaven and the sun the divine mind enters him. Verily, that is the divine mind by which one becomes only joyful and sorrow not." 

