2020年5月14日 星期四

Prophet Muhammad

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    Prophet Mohammad tells us a parable in his teaching how Allah only punishes the arrogant and tyrants but protects the weak and rewards the righteous. The Prophet said:

    “Paradise and the (Hell) Fire argued, and the (Hell) Fire said, “I have been given the privilege of receiving the arrogant and the tyrants.” Paradise said, “What is the matter with me? Why do only the weak and the humble among people enter me?”

    On that, Allah said to Paradise: “You are My Mercy, which I bestow on whomever I wish of my servants.” Then Allah said to the (Hell) Fire, “You are my punishment by which I excruciate whomever I wish of my slaves. Each of you will have its fill.”

    As for the (Hell) Fire, it will not be filled till Allah puts His Foot over it whereupon it will say, “Enough! Enough! Enough!” At that time it will be filled, and its different parts will come closer to each other; and Allah will not wrong any of His creatures. As regards Paradise, Allah will create further creatures to fill it with.” 

(narrated by Abu’huraira, From Bukhari Hadith, Vol V, no 4851)

Jarir Ibn Abdullah narrated:

    “We were sitting with the Prophet on the fourteenth night (of a lunar month), when he looked at the full moon and said:
    “You will see your Lord as you see this moon, with no difficulty in looking at Him. So, whoever can, should not miss performing prayers before sunrise (Fajr) and before sunset (Asr)” 

    Then the Prophet recited:

“And celebrate the praises of thy Lord before the rising of the sun and before (its) setting.” 
(Quran 50:39)

Jaber narrated: 

    On the day of Alhudaibiya, the people felt thirsty (after using up all the water in the well). The Messenger of Allah had a utensil containing water, from which he performed ablution. Then the people came towards him. 

    The Messenger of Allah asked, “What is the matter with you?”

    The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! We have no water to perform ablution with or to drink, except what you have in your utensil.”

    As soon as the Prophet had put his hand in the utensil, the water started spouting out from among his fingers as springs. So we drank and performed ablution.

    I (the sub-narrator) said to Jabar, “How many were you on that day?”

    He replied: “Even if we had been one hundred thousand, that water would have been sufficient for us. At any rate, we were 1500.”

(From Bukhari, Vol V #4152)

Al’bara narrated: 

    Allah’s Apostle was the most handsome of all the people, and had the best appearance and morals. He was neither very tall nor short. The Prophet was of moderate height, having broad shoulders and (long) hair reaching ear lobes. Once I saw him wearing a red cloak, than whom I had never seen more handsome His face was (as bright) as the moon.”

 Abdullah Ibn Ka’b Ibn Malik narrated: 

    “When I greeted the Messenger of Allah, his face was glittering with happiness. Whenever the Messenger of Allah was happy, his face would glitter, as if it were a piece of the moon. We used to recognize it (his happiness) from his face.” 

(From Bukhari Vol VI #3549, 3551, 3552, 3556)

Ab’juhaifa narrated: 

    Once Allah’s Apostle went to Alba’tha at noon, performed the ablution and offered Dhuhr prayer as two Raka-s (prostration) and Asr prayer (before sunset) as two Raka-s while a spearheaded stick was planted before him for the passers-by to pass in front of it. (Following the prayer), the people got up and held the hands of the Prophet which they passed on their faces. I also took his hand and kept it on my face. I noticed that it was colder than ice, and its smell was nicer than musk.”

(From Bukhari, Vol VI, #3552)

Anas narrated: 

    The people of Mecca asked the Messenger of Allah to show them a miracle. So he showed them the moon split into two halves between which they saw the Hira (mountain).

Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood narrated: 

    While we were with the Prophet in Mina, the moon was split into two parts. On that the Prophet said, “ Bear witness (to this).” Then a piece of the moon went to the mountain.

(From Bukhari, Vol IV, #3868, 3869)

Abu’huraira narrated: 

    I heard Allah’s Apostle saying: “The good deeds of any person will not cause him to enter Paradise.” 

    They asked, “Not even you, O Allah’s Apostle?”

    He said, “Not even me, unless Allah bestows His Favour and Mercy on me. So, be moderate in your religious deeds and do the deeds that are within your ability. Moreover, none of you should hope for death, for if he is a good doer, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is an evil doer, he may repent to Allah.” 

(From Bukhari, Vol VII, #5673)

The Teaching of Shri Hairakhan 

Wale Baba  (1970-1984)

Shri Babaji (Shri is the title of respect; Babaji, a term used for a saint, a holy father) appeared in June 1970 in a cave that has been holy for thousands of years at the foot of the Kumaon Mount Kailash, across the sacred Gautama Ganga from a remote village called Hairakhan, in the Nainital District of Uttar Pradesh. He had no known parents or family, he appeared as a youth of 18 or so, yet he displayed great wisdom and Divine power from the start.

Shri Babaji said that mankind is in great danger during the period of Kali Yuga – the Age of the rise of materialism and the decline of spiritual life. He foretold  widespread of physical destruction, change and death in this decade. He said that those who worship God (in any ways man knows Him) and repeat His name and live in harmony with the Universe will be saved and that a new humanitarian society of people who are focused on God will be formed.

“To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man’s supreme duty and the highest Yoga. Diligent work is a quality of this Path, for laziness is death on earth. Only by work can one claim victory over karma*.  All must strive to do their duty in the best way possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty. During these times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and not lose heart. Be brave, be industrious; work hard and have courage.” (Shri Babaji’s speech)

During the first year or two after his appearance, Shri Babaji hardly spoke at all in public. Although he engaged in easy conversation with people for the last eight or ten years of his mission, it was only in the last five years of his mission that he began to give little instructive talks to his devotees, very frequently at first, then more often. In February 1983 Babaji gave permission to tape record the speeches, so the speeches from then on are fuller and more accurately translated.

Shri Babaji often called himself in his talks “Mahaprabhuji”, a Hindu expression for the Supreme Master. Shri Babaji did not require people to see or worship him as a manifestation of God in order to come to him and be benefited by him. He himself said of his human form, “This body is nothing, it is here only to serve people.”

Shri Babaji left his mortal body on 14th February 1984. Early in his mission, he had told a few devotees that he would leave his body in 1984. As the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, the Honorable C.P.N. Singh remarked, “There is no difference between his speech and his action.”

*Karma means deeds in thought, speech and action.

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His Teachings and Quotes (extracts)

26 July 1979 (Herakhan)

The change of the present, which is full of turmoil, will be brought about by bloody revolution. Peace will return only after the revolution reaches its zenith.

In the aftermath of the revolution – which will be total; no country will be spared big or small – some countries will be totally erased, leaving no sign of their existence. In some 3% to 5% and up to maximum of 25% of the population will be spared and will survive. Earthquakes, floods, accidents, collisions and wars will bring about the destruction.

28 July 1979 (Herakhan)

People today are full of misery and unhappiness. Misery and unhappiness is not confined to the poor, but rich people are affected too. All are suffering from difficulties, misery and unhappiness. The leaders of all countries are busy safeguarding their positions and have totally ignored their people needs and interests. These leaders are misguiding the public. There is complete insecurity. There is no safety of person and property.

At present, demonic influences have engulfed men. Man will fight and devour men and they will destroy each other. First, destruction will take place, then peace will prevail. Some of the countries will be completely destroyed.

Prayer will be the only safeguard and saviours against destruction. Forget past and future, abolish all other thoughts, but pray with total concentration of mind and soul and have full faith in God….No evil influence will ever come near you if you pray with purity of heart and mind and with all faith and concentration.

14 March 1980

“This work is not only for this purpose. This work will go with you wherever you go; even after you leave the body and go to other world; this work will go with you. You will be benefited by it. Whatever kind of garden you will make here, and whatever seeds you will sow here, you will get there, also.”

“This is spiritual work, not material. This is neither my work nor yours; this is work of the whole universe, nay, the whole cosmos.”

“Yoga is to be courageous. To get dejected or to lose courage is not yoga. You must understand what Bhole* Baba says.”

*Bhole in Hindi means simple. Shri Babaji also addresses himself as “Bhole Baba”.

12 April 1980

“You should seek harmony in everything that you do. I am harmony. Thank you for your love.”

25 June 1980

Shri Babji’s ashram regulation:

“Everyone who comes to the ashram is ashram property. They come with my blessings. If anybody is lying about or sick, take care of them. Everybody must take care of everybody. “

“You must preserve, maintain and beautify the ashram. This is your most important duty.”

3 July 1981

Babaji stressed that the time had come to tell the world of his presence and his message of Truth, Simplicity and Love….Babaji specially mentioned China, Russia and Korea as countries where his words would be spread. He said that all should undertake this work. 

7 November 1981

“We should do our work with courage.”

“Karma Yoga is what will make you like lions; it will make you strong in this life.”

“Be strong in the time of great revolution which is coming. No one can stop the fire coming in the world now. The bells of great destruction are already ringing. The war will be such that people sleeping will die immediately. There will be atomic war. People will die immediately in their houses from gas and atomic and nuclear radiation.”

“Service to humanity is service to God and worship of God.”

“Everyone should forget nationality: we are one here……There is no caste or creed here.”

24 December 1981

 All religions lead to one point, and that is God Himself; and therefore following any religion you will ultimately reach God.

25 December 1981

“A person who does not do some kind of constructive work is like a dead person. A new kingdom is coming very soon. When the new kingdom is established, only the person who does karma (work) will survive.”

“A person who follows this and who always keeps humanitarian rules in mind will be loved by everyone and shall survive all this destruction and shall remain happy.”

Babaji says one should not have any hatred towards anyone; one should try not, to let down other people; one should try to help others; one should try to love all.

5 January 1982

Babaji hopes that there shall be peace in the world without weapons. Babaji hopes to spread knowledge and stop the atomic science, which is bad for the world. Today the world depends much on atomic energy. Whenever such sciences have reigned, the world has been destroyed.

25 March 1982

“Those who live in this world, which is a field for work, lose a great deal if they don’t work and don’t progress or remain idle.”

“Those who see the great God in the sun, moon, stars, earth, air, fire, and water, and always meditate on Him only, get success in life and are the true devotees.”

“In the eyes of God, no one is big or small. In very heart, the Consciousness there is His Reflection. In a short time, He is going to destroy the bad elements and then change the revolution into peace.”

Babaji’s Principle is service to humanity without expectation of reward. By distribution of this Prasad (Babaji was himself peeling fruit, while Shastriji talked, and having it distributed as blessed food), he teaches us to share with all equally, whatever we possess. Whatever is a part of the Lord’s creation belongs to no particular person, but rather to all.

“The Sanatana Dharma (eternal religion) has been followed for thousands and millions of years and no one is able to trace the date it began. You may try to understand this spontaneous religion this way: the dharma (law of nature) of fire is to burn; the dharma of water is to wet, and the air has to blow. Can one tell us what day the fire started to burn, the water to be wet, and the air to blow? No one can say.

Sanatana Dharma is like a great ocean. From that ocean, each country has dug canals according to their needs and purposes. But canals cannot give total satisfaction as the ocean gives complete bliss. The Lord is showing a vision of the Sanatana Dharma, which is like the great ocean, and this is the greatest form of knowledge.

Until now, people only had knowledge of their own canals. Now the Lord is showing us that we are not just bubbles in the canals, but rather bubbles in the great ocean. As long as we have individuality, we are seen as bubbles; when we disappear, we are one with the ocean.”

“There are ten temples here at Herakhan. They are symbols. They show us that the body is a temple with ten senses, and we must install God in our hearts within this temple. This body is a moving temple of the Lord. He wants us to make this temple so beautiful that wherever it goes, people would like to worship, have great reverence for it, and try to gain knowledge from it.”

“The weapon will destroy those who do not obey. This weapon will protect those who are obedient. Those who do worship and obey orders of the Lord will receive only soft punishment.”

“Everyone must become spiritually strong and courageous. He alone can survive who has spiritual courageous. Without spiritual courage, one is dead though he is living. The time is coming very soon. So that is why you people all must work. And be brave. Everyone must consider himself a humble servant of the world.”

4 April 1982

“If we are to save humanity from attachment, ego, illusions, and other evils, then we must gain knowledge from the holy Sikh Dharma (religion). All of the divine qualities, like patriotism, spirituality, knowledge, non-attachment, etc, is shown in a perfect manner in this Sikh Dharma.”

5 April 1982

“In this Age, work purifies you and is the best spiritual practice (sadhana). Sri Krishna has said in the Gita that a man should work until his last breath. Work is so good that it prevents diseases and gives you mental ease. Work is such a good thing that it relieves man of all ailments.”

6 April 1982

“I want to make the people who have come here true citizens. I do not want this non-violence. People preach non-violence, but instead they make water out of their blood. I want to wake up the sense of true humanity. With great difficulty you get this human body. I want brave and courageous people. A man must live with great courage.”

“In spare time, everyone must do bhajan (meditation, japa*, singing)”
(*chanting the name of God)

“World War is about to start and I want to wake up humanity.”

“Learn to talk less and work more. This is the field of spiritual practice. Karma is the highest way of perfection. It is great thing to take a human body. Whoever comes to the earth must do work. In the Gita, work is said to be the highest form of sadhana. Everybody must work; an idle man, even though he is living, is dead. All who have taken birth must work to be successful.”

“One of the things that I want to do is to remove idleness from the world. I want to show all of mankind the way to peace and happiness. This will only be possible, if bad elements are removed.”

“I want to make everybody brave. Man’s blood has become like water. So many atrocities are done, and people let them, happen in the name of non-violence. Non-violence is not for this. I do not want people to be blind when they have two eyes in their heads.”

“Now everyone feels insecure. I want to raise the character of man so high that people as different as the lion and the goat can live together without jealousy ot hatred – only in love.”

“Kindle the Light in yourself; then kindle it in others, one by one. Just as when the lamp burns it consumes oil, so this Light will consume idleness, laziness, greed.”

“Your duty is to spread my message and bring people to the level of humanity, rather than their animal level.”

“You must all walk in the Path of Truth and give right teachings and instructions to the world. Everyone should walk the Path of Truth and teach family, friends and all.”

5 May 1982

“Non-violence is now contaminating the world. Non-violence of itself should be removed from the world. Culprits must be punished. For security we must employ strength. Babaji wants some violent people so that others may grow in wisdom and discrimination and learn to make decisions.”

“Now you see a sweet form of God, but in the future you will see a fierce form of God. Peace will come only after a Kranti (i.e. destruction, revolution and change). Babaji says a Kranti will come very soon and in the twinkling of an eye will spread over the world. This is why Babaji cautions us again and again to be alert.”

“There will be destruction in the Punjab, West Bengal, and some Muslim countries. Some countries will be obliterated and nothing of their future will remain. Most parts of America will be destroyed. Russia will survive.”

“Babaji again cautions us to be alert. A great Kranti is coming. It is not of the ordinary type. Between heaven and earth this type of revolution has never been seen before. It will be astonishing and terrible. The destruction will be such that people will die as they work, sleep or stand. People will be killed by gas; buildings will remain but the danger is to humanity. Babaji reminds us to be prepared.”

13 May 1982

“Those who repeat OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA*, who do righteous, and those who are God-love, will be protected.”
(*chanting the name of God, to remember God)

21 June 1982

“Humanity is making a grave mistake by misusing non-violence. Time and again I have said this to you.”
“Work, which I want to accomplish, is to remove the misuse of non-violence. People have become lifeless and their blood, like water. You should be brave and courageous – afraid of nothing. You should not be afraid of being burned by fire or drowned by water. If you are brave and courageous, nothing will harm you, not even the atomic bomb. You must be fearless for yourself and for all humanity.”

“I do not recognize castes and races. I behold only one humanity.”

29 June 1982

“You must be diligent, persevering and hard-working. Lethargy and laziness are bad. An idle man is like a corpse; only those who work hard are truly alive. To engage in work is the duty of everyone, whether rich or poor, high or low, old or young, man and woman. You should not hesitate to do the lowest kind of service, if it is needed. If a man of high position is prepared to perform any service – even the lowest service – he sets an example for others.”

“By working hard, a man can achieve peace within himself and in the world around him. If everyone works diligently and with love, there will be peace throughout the world.”

29 July 1982

“Time will change, so you must resolve in your hearts to be industrious and courageous. Those who are strong like iron are fit to flourish. To become strong does not mean to become harsh and heartless. To become strong means to grow beyond pleasure and pain: beyond heat and cold.”

“The creation is vast and there are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle – that of truth, simplicity and love. Live in Truth, Simplicity and Love and practice Karma yoga.”

“This, more than others, is an era of great destruction. Man has become enslaved by his lower nature. I have come to guide humanity to a higher path. I do not belong to any particular religion, but respect all religions. I seek the elevation of all mankind. The higher self in people must be develop and enthrallment with the lower nature destroyed. It will be destroyed in countries all around the world by changing the hearts of mankind. Do you understand? Now that you understand, you must live in Truth, Simplicity and Love, and take this message into the world.”

17 August 1982

“I want to describe again how you must be diligent in your work. The world demands hard work and constructive action, so you must apply yourselves fully to your work. Do not fall back, but instead go on. Each step you take will benefit the whole world.”

“Fulfilling your duty is the highest accomplishment – higher than other sadhana, penance and the rest. Your own duty comes first. The result of hard work is happiness and the result of laziness is pain. Troubles of this world are caused by inactivity. I repeatedly tell you this so that you will be industrious and benefited.”

“I want to see all people liberated who have become dependent on the illusions of the material world.”

“I want a world of brave and courageous people. Indeed, those who work hard and are agnostics are more acceptable, for a time, than lazy spiritual hypocrites.”

“I want to see the misuse of non-violence eliminated. Man’s powers of discrimination and his very blood have become thin from pursuing false doctrines. Those who would misuse appeasement defeat the purpose of life and become like mindless donkeys carrying loads on their backs.”

“Every moment, in each breath, while eating, sleeping, and working, you should remember the Lord’s name.”

30 September 1982

“To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man’s supreme duty and the highest Yoga. Diligent work is a quality of this path. Only by work can one claim victory over karma. All must strive to do their duty in the best way possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty. During these times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and, not lose heart. Be brave, be industrious; work hard and have courage.”

30 October 1982

Two Traits, which Shri Babaji dislikes in people, are acting like sheep, one blindly running after the other, and deceitfulness or cunningness. Shri Babaji appears in the world to lift people out of such conduct to the highest level of character and to enlighten all mankind.

Babaji never travelled outside of India.

Shri Babaji teaches us about the unity of creation. We are all made from the five elements: we are all of one spirit. In all respects, we are one humanity, one human family. Limitations arise from political beliefs and world leaders who hold thinking of time, place and culture, thereby creating differences and separation. The birthright of all mankind is to love and follow God. Limitations arise from erroneous human beliefs. Shri Babaji has appeared to illumine the minds and hearts of mankind, so that all may know unity and harmony.

16 November 1982

“Of greatest importance is that the repetition of God’s name increases daily. In this way, your heart and mind will be purified. Only then will you find God in yourself.”

“The mind can be purified only by japa (repetition of God’s name). This is the only medicine for the diseases of the mind. While your mind and heart are impure, how can God live in your heart? Water to clean your heart is the name of God. So teach everyone to repeat the name of God everywhere.”

“I do not want idle people. Japa does not take the place of karma. Japa and work go together. You must be active in God’s work, like King Janaka who ruled his kingdom always with his mantra in his mind. Arjuna fought the Mahabharata battle, constantly remembering God’s name.”

“I do not want japa to be pretext for idleness. Do japa with your work and be liberated. I do not want God’s name to be stagnant, muddy water, but like sparkling, running water. Work added be Light. Repeat God’s name. With concentrated mind always repeat God’s name. “

“We must always have good thoughts for each other.”

1 December 1982

Question: “When there is a nuclear war or a bomb lands, say in Bombay, all people including devotees will die. What do you mean by saving them through the mantra?”

Shri Babaji answers:

“The fear of death is born with man, though this is the only thing he knows is certain to happen to him. Attachment to material things makes man cling to life. When you chant the Name of the Divine, when you are one with the divine, you accept death. While you are attached to life and afraid of death, you die with that fear and that weight clinging to you. If you have attained liberation you are free from death (you accept the inevitable). You die without fear and by remembering the Name of God, your soul leaves the body free of that fear and attachment. If you are reborn, your soul is still free from that fear. If you die in “unity”, you are free from rebirth, unless you will it.”

24 December 1982

“There is but one instruction to give. There should be humanity in you. People of all countries should unite with each other as brothers. All of you must be happy and healthy and appreciate the joy of life. The highest thing in the world is karma, hard work. Idleness makes man lifeless.”

“Spread this message in your country, spread the light of righteousness to the hearts of others. Let the seed of human love and humanity, which is in you, flower and be fruitful. Organised powers are always stronger than individual ones. Let the messages of this organization be spread in the whole world. The Vedas proclaim, “grow wise and learn; awake your countrymen.”

26 December 1982

“The seeds of righteousness have been sown in your heart's for you to kindle the hearts of others. I seek the general good of all people in the world. You must do all work to perfect humanity. By saving humanity, everyone will be saved.”

“Individual leaders have spread poison throughout the world. I want this poison removed. Learn to love your religion and consider yourself a soldier of your country. Feel this in your heart. You must work to elevate humanity and eradicate pride, jealousy and hatred. Today humanity is in great danger and there exists no security of person or wealth. This problem is not of nation but of the whole universe. Unite in an organization to achieve power by gaining the goodwill of the majority of the people at present.”

“Time and again you are told that idleness is like death and will destroy you. An idle man is a burden to this earth, so each of you must work hard. Spend your time in working. Work is life. Work is worship. A man who spends his time in idleness is like a dead man. The time is coming when you will have to be working to be saved.”

“In this world, change is going on every minute. What we feel or do in this moment will be changed in the text. The time will come when there will be big cities where there was sea and sea where there were cities. You are intelligent and know these things, so there is no need to tell you more about it.”

“Karma yoga is the highest practice of this time and will liberate you. The scriptures declare that at the end of each Yuga (period), only Karma Yoga will help you.”

“Lord Rama incarnated and there was a war between Ram and Ravana that took 14 days. In Krishna’s incarnation, there was war for 18 days. In this Yuga, the destruction will come within the flicker of an eye. This destruction will be such that those sleeping will be left sleeping; those standing will be left standing. The whole world will be transformed like this. In this destruction everything will finish; nothing will remain the same. You should therefore leave your attachment to the world. Only repetition of God’s name will be useful for you; otherwise, it is hopeless. God’s names are more powerful than a thousand atomic and hydrogen bombs. Help yourself by repeating the Lord’s name. All of you know that God’s name is the highest thing. Why do you attach your minds to the transitory things in this world? Why do you not spend your time in meditation and in repeating the Lord’s name? Attach yourself to God. Be brave and always walk on. There will be many mountains to cross, but do not stop until the goal is reached. Be strong and never feel disheartened.”

5 JANUARY 1983 

“Manage your time effectively, so you are prompt. When you go back to the West, do aarati* and kirtan* at proper times. Everybody can do aarati* and puja* at this home. I dislike idleness and gossiping. You have taken this birth on Earth to work. Work hard! After death, what will you show to God? Not only here, but wherever you are, work hard!

*Worship God and sing devotional songs

7 JANUARY 1983 

In the evening during darshan*, Shree Babaji told that soon in America people will get a form of disease which they will be unable to stop and which will cause death. Some will vomit themselves to death; still others will bleed to death from cuts, which will not stop bleeding. There is no sure prevention and there will be no cure. He recommends fasting as the best means of avoidance.
These diseases will spread from America to all parts of the world.

*an opportunity of seeing a holy person or holy image

9 JANUARY 1983 

All of you must learn to be disciplined. Be alert 24 hours a day. If you are not disciplined and idle your time away, there is no point of coming to Herakhan.

All must vow to always work and serve, think good and do good keep good thoughts in your mind.
According to my plan, liberation will come only to those who practice karma yoga There have been many yogas - bhakti yoga (devotion), gyana yoga (knowledge), prem yoga (highest love) - but in this time only karma yoga (action) can benefit you.

I instruct you to always spend your time industriously. Whatever work you do, do it in the name of Babaji. Whatever money comes to you, spend it for good purposes.

I say all this in the service of humanity. To work, think good, and dedicate your life to Humanity is the best. The only necessity of this Yoga is karma yoga through service. Everybody must spread this message. More and more people must be acquainted with these thoughts and teachings. Each comer of the world must awaken to these words. It is My desire that there be harmony in the universe. My plan is one of love-one where the lion and the goat can drink from the same well.

I dislike idleness. Hard work will benefit you. When the time comes, you must be prepared to do any kind of work that comes to you.

16 JANUARY 1983 

All of you, who are here, from all countries, must vow to spread the message of Babaji. Help those who are deceived and show them the path of righteousness. Societies today have degenerated greatly; you must help elevate them. Inspire them that work is the highest thing.

Walk on with courage and bravery. Go on working to improve humankind and establish the Path of Truth. I want a creation full of brave and courageous people and you should make the next generation brave and courageous too. I am against non-violence that makes a human being a coward. Fight for truth! To face life, you must have great courage every day.

Many times I have told you that by karma yoga alone will give you liberation.

A change in the world is coming soon. Change is nothing new;, it is the law of nature. The rhythm is that those who are born must die and those who die must be born. We must face the coming destruction in the world with courage. I want you to be very alert and careful. Be ready to face the world.

Think Good - Be-good - do well!

22 January 1983

Shri Mahaprabhuji wants to transform men, who are like devils these days, into Gods. Shri Mahaprabhuji never hates any caste or creed; He only hates inhumanity. One can follow any religion, one can follow any practice or path, but one must be humane. At present, it is a most necessary thing for the world to become human - this is the first step. Shri Mahaprabhuji wants cooperation from you; by following His teachings, you must try to become humane. Every human being must promise with a true heart that he will cooperate with Babaji; He shall help him to be humane. This is the only service Shri Mahaprabhuji demands of you.

24 January 1983

Shirdi Maulana is speaking all this. You may know about Shirdi Maulana. He lived during the Muslim rule in India. He is now making the rounds everywhere, going here and there to help humanity. Now he is here, speaking through Shri Mahaprabhuji.

He says that "I" and "my" have put a veil over the hearts of people. People have become self - centered and selfish. How can there be peace when the mind is full of ego and selfishness? Who is big enough in this world now to sacrifice him for universal service and love? People have degenerated to the point that they are prepared to kill or harm others for their own selfish works or motives.

All of you must try to destroy the corrupted law and establish true law in the world.

29 JANUARY 1983 

God resides only in cleanliness. If there is impurity in you, how can God reside in your heart? So to reach God, look to cleanliness.

In life, everything is action, kriya*, eating, drinking, coming and going. Everything is full of activity; every moment is full of action. It is the duty of every one to be active; to be lazy is like making yourself dirty. Those who live in Haidakhan must be very clean, take baths, and have only clean thoughts

*kriya means complete action, or a set of practice in yoga

2 FEBRUARY 1983 
During His Evening Bath 

All my body is meant to dry up one day, so don't care to put too much oil on it. This body is here only to serve people.

All the living beings, animals, flowers, plants, and stones have been given a form by God and this body has been given by God to perform a duty in this world. So even my own body has come, only to perform a duty and to serve all human and living beings.

But when human beings come in this world, they forget their duty and they fall into the attachment of maya* and into the concepts of "me" and "mine" and so they forget God.

(*maya means illusions of the world.)

21 March 1983

In every Age people have reached salvation through different types of action and sadhana (spiritual discipline), but in this Age one can reach liberation only through hard work. I want real, practical human beings and only he is a true human being who lives in accordance with this Age………You should become pioneers of this Age and search for truth. You have to become adventurous and awaken truth within you. This is real yoga.

I have repeatedly told you that when the right time comes, all will be revealed. You may wonder also how one can counteract all the powerful weaponry and atom bombs that have been produced. The fact is that such weapons already existed in the days of Rama; even in the Dvapara Yuga they existed. Present day science has not yet reached the stage of development of those times. Then they had rain-producing weapons so that you could take a bath in the water they produced. Present day science is far from reaching this stage. When the right time comes, all will be revealed on its own.

22 March 1983

Awake! Arise! Everybody must make a firm resolve. Men and women from all over the world must take part. In other Yugas, only men took part in revolutions and wars but now women are coming forward, so it is necessary for them, too, to take part in this Revolution. Everybody must make contacts on all sides of the world and unite together.

27 March 1983

I want to root out the seed of laziness in the world. Everyone should be hard working. ……. Firstly I give you karma yoga. You can advance only through karma yoga; by karma yoga you may benefit others also. A lazy person cannot do karma and is like a dead person. Give great importance to karma yoga and proceed. When laziness is rooted out from this world, all the world's sorrows and troubles will come to an end. Only hard work can make person powerful and energetic. Karma is of first and foremost importance in your life. Many times I have told you that only through karma yoga will I give you liberation. In this age it is the only type of yoga one can do, it is the only way to realization and progress.

You must awake others and make them arise and be alert. If you are always alert, this will be of great benefit to you. You will achieve happiness and you will be saved from the calamities, which are coming very soon.

8 April 1983

To lead a true life, one must have firm determination and be aware that there is one Soul present in all people. The Guru Granth Sahib for centuries has inspired the Sikh community with courage and determination; it is even in the blood of their small children. There are many instances in Sikh history of heroism and martyrdom; the two small boys of Guru Govind Singh were buried alive. They had the high spirit and determination to follow the path of righteousness. They had the high spirit and determination to follow the path of righteousness. They preferred to give up their lives rather than abandon their religion.

Sikhs throughout history have suffered atrocities for the sake of their religion; they have shed their blood in great numbers - they have preferred death to untruth. Such a time has come, now. Everyone must have the same faith in truth and righteousness.

10 April 1983

All great saints and spiritual leaders who have appeared in the world have come to establish world peace and unity for humanity as a whole. Jealousy and hatred are the two causes by which humanity is ruined. In your lives these two vices should have no place.

I want to weed out the prevailing non-violence in the world. It is a cause of apathy and idleness. This non-violence has cooled the blood of men so that it has become like cold water. This attitude of non-violence produces a lack of discrimination between good and evil. Everyone should lead a life of bravery and courage. A man without courage is like a dead man. Life without courage is no life.

At present, many atrocities are being committed in the world. Human beings are treated like animals. No one has had the courage to stand up against these atrocities but everyone should be brave and resist them. Everyone must be of firm determination and stick to what he believes to be true. Be constant in your actions and dutiful.

Lethargy must have no place in your lives. Lethargy is the weakest trait in man. The day mankind becomes hard working. The world will lack nothing. Man must live and improve through work. Work is the highest form of worship. You can evolve in all ways by doing work.

10 APRIL 1983 

Shastriji (*the follower and speaker for Babaji) Speaks 

By the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji (Babaji), the reading of the Guru Granth Sahib has been completed today without difficulty. The Lord says: "The saint always resides in My heart and I am in the heart of the saint. The saint knows Me alone, thinks of Me alone and I know him alone who is truly devoted to me.

Guru Nanak, who appeared in Punjab, was such a saint. Whatever he did, he did for the sake of humanity. The actions of great saints like Guru Nanak are aimed exclusively at the welfare of mankind as a whole to lead men to the true goal of life.

The words of the saints contain a vibration and energy that have the power to remove vice and evil from the world. The value of their words is that they inspire. This is why the scriptures say that their words have to be read again and a gain and to be meditated upon and be put into practice. The reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, by the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, was like a flow of nectar.
'Shishya' in Hindi means 'disciple-a Sanskrit word-so that the 'Sikhs', so to speak, are all disciples of God. The few Sikhs assembled here are part of a large community and wherever they go they take with them the blessings and inspiration to spread the message in their community.

"Oh God, let you alone remain, let me be totally annihilated. You alone are; I have no existence. As long as I am alive let me give this life to you and let 'I' be destroyed."

10 APRIL 1983 (Evening) 
Shastriji speaks on the occasion of the reading of the Guru Granth Sahib: 

When the Supreme manifests and comes on to the stage of life, the ships of all world religions come to sail the seas. Books ,written some thousand years ago, make it clear that God comes for the benefit of devotes of different religious paths and by doing so He unites the different paths making them one. What good fortune we have to witness the divine plays with our own eyes!

Shri Babaji has organized the recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib at this sacred place. Be thereby sets an example for us to follow. When such studies are undertaken in sacred places it charges them with divine energy and, like the flow of the waters of the river Ganga, benefits the whole world. Whenever recitations of such sacred scriptures take place, the vibrations go throughout the three worlds: bhu -earth, bhuvah -atmosphere, svaha - sky. But the recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib last year and this year, here at Vishwa Mahadham., will reach the highest heaven - sachkhandthe seventh heaven, which is the heaven of Absolute Truth.

Rishis and maharishis have always recited and studied great scriptures in holy places, because they wanted the sound waves to reach through the seven heavens: bhu-bhuvah-svaha-maha-jahatapa-sat-earth-atmosphere heaven-great heaven - heaven of knowledge-heaven of penance-heaven of Truth. To direct sound through the seven heavens, it is necessary to have these studies taken up at such sacred sites.

Shri Babaji shows us the practical side of the teachings of great saints like Guru Nanak, who did not preach a particular religion or cult. He gave teachings of spiritual ' perfection, valid for all mankind. To follow these teachings is to realize good for all humanity and the unity of all humanity and the unity of the individual soul with the universal Soul. It is for this reason that Shri Babaji is spreading His teaching, so that we may, understand unity. What great sacrifice Guru Nanak made for the sake of humanity! Now his disciples offer their lives for the sake of religion, unity and truth. Shri Babaji now spreads these teachings throughout the world; whatever Guru Nanak taught, Babaji will apply in action. It is only after many years that the practical form of these teachings evolves. When preached by the saints, the words are read, meditated on and only much later are they given practical application. The time has come for the teachings of Guru Nanak to be put into practice.

Today technological progress has created atomic weapons, which can destroy the world in seconds. But our great saints of the past, with their teachings and scriptures, have created an antidote these destructive weapons. Only after the Lord had created nectar did he create poison. Therefore, all of you have to be very alert.

The mere sound of these scriptures purifies, even without an understanding of their meaning. So listen attentively and be benefited by them. They are not ordinary words and sentences written by anybody. Their sounds and words are like mantras, full of spiritual power. It is said that intellectuals write in order to explain, but such explanation comes afterwards; first come the words of highly realized souls, then an explanation may be given. What a saint says or writes is not to be measured with the intellect. The words of the saint, not the explanation given afterwards, provide the measure for right and wrong.

Shri Babaji has come to save righteousness and to remove unrighteousness. He is the greatest and highest power but he has come with a human body to do that which no other power but He could undertake.

Babaji concluded: 

All of you are soldiers of Hairakhan. Do your duty with faith and devotion. You must remove hatred and jealousy from your hearts to be of real service. All of you must climb the mountain of victory.

15 APRIL 1983 

You should sing devotional music in a way that stirs the soul-it should evoke deep feelings. It should not be a race of rhythm or competition of voices. You should sing with love. Do not sing like you are taking part in a theatrical performance. Only those who 'know the song should sing. When you make music, it should touch the heart so that it leaves a memory on the mind. Whatever you do should have strength in it.

24 May 1983

“Our main aim is that there should be universal peace. How can we obtain this peace? We can achieve this by eliminating all inhumanity among us. There must be only one caste and one creed – humanity. Become human.

The only religion is humanity. There must be tolerance and forgiveness. It is our duty to set an example for this. Everyone must be human. Everyone must be courageous, facing the difficulties of life with bravery. Save yourselves and others from the adharma (lawlessness/unrighteousness) of the world. Cowardly people are like dead people. I want to create a world of brave people who face life as it comes. We want to save the victims of atrocities and bring them out of their troubles. We want to bring peace not only to one country but to the whole world, our aim is universal peace.

All of you must take a vow to go from house to house, from place to place, and help the needy. You have to root out the inaction, which is destroying man. Inaction and idleness are the chief obstacles to man’s progress. If you learn right action, you can do anything. Action is Mahayoga – the highest yoga. You should progress through action. The political leaders of all countries preach inaction through strikes. You should have nothing to do with this. Man is meant for action.”

30 JUNE 1983 

I want to tell you that there is no reason for anxiety or dejection. You were born to do karma (work, action), so continue to do karma. Karma is the highest thing in this world. Only through karma can man advance, Lazy, idle people are always in trouble. Karma is supreme.

To others, too, you should give teachings of karma. In this age, you can attain liberation only through karma. In other ages, people have practiced many different forms of yoga and sadhana [religious practices], but in this age no other sadhana than karma yoga will give you liberation. Go on working while repeating God's name. You cannot comprehend the high value of karma while repeating God's name.

Man's mind is very fast, faster than the wind. By doing work while repeating God's name, your mind becomes cleansed of thoughts and useless, negative thoughts cannot enter it. To uplift man, for the progress of the whole of humanity, karma is a great sadhana. All of you, therefore, continue to make progress through karma.

5 JULY 1983 

Now you brave ones, be ready for work! Be brave. I like brave people. I dislike cowards. Now people with courage are needed. It is better to die, facing life with courage. To live as a coward is shameful - it is better that the coward drown himself in the river. There is no place for cowards.

30 July 1983

When there is an auspicious constellation of the stars in a man's life, then only can he come to a sacred place and meet saintly people. Only in the company of such people can he experience spiritual vibrations and practice the recitation of God's names.

When a man's bad karmas are coming to an end, then he is naturally drawn to a sacred place and the company of good people. On the contrary, when the sins of a man reach a climax, then he is drawn to places of low vibrations and to bad company. His karma does not allow him to remain in a sacred place. This is why every man must walk the path of truth.

3 August 1983

In the Kali Yuga, the tamas - guna (quality of ignorance and inertia) is three-fourths prevalent, with one-fourth of rajas and almost no sattva (goodness and steadiness of mind). The machine is eating up human labor.

The machine is even beginning to eat up human beings. Great professionals, as for example doctors, have been rendered inactive by the machines. And the time will come when doctors will even forget their knowledge altogether and all work will be taken over by machines. Therefore, you should all be practicing karma yoga to attain your life's goal. Karma yoga is maha yoga. It can make a man and it can destroy him. The principle of karma is very great.

17 August 1983

Still, the main, importance must be given to Karma Yoga. Without Karma Yoga it is not possible to progress in life-not only to achieve material progress; Karma Yoga is essential for spiritual perfection, as well. I consider an inactive man a dead man. Only through Karma Yoga can you advance in your life; your heart becomes purified, your thinking will be good. Karma Yoga is also beneficial for your health; you will sleep well and have a good appetite. A man with good appetite and sound sleep is always a healthy man and with good health he can achieve anything in life.

Concentrate energy and conserve it. Don't waste anything; use it only when needed. Awake! Arise! Go to the wise and gain knowledge! Realize the Self! Be of firm determination - fully concentrated-achieve your goal! In the name of Lord Rama, everything is present in this world, but the luckless ones - those without karma-get nothing.

23 AUGUST 1983
(Shri Babaji gave an interview to an American journalist)

"This is the time of karma yoga. It is the method for realization in this Age. Now I want Karma Yoga.
"A great Revolution shall come to the world. Destruction is a most necessary aspect of creation. At all times, peace was established only after revolution. For many Yugas, the earth has been crying out for blood. The whole earth has to be bathed in blood at least once. This desire of the earth will be fulfilled. The Revolution will come quickly, in seconds, and spread everywhere.

"Courage is necessary. I want to root out idleness and create a world of brave, intelligent beings. "
When asked whether modem conveniences are a hindrance on the path of Karma Yoga, Shri Babaji replied emphatically “ No”.

"My message will reach into the depth of the sea and into the heights of the sky. All modem weapons, atom bombs and arms, are ineffective against Mahaprabhuji's message and power. The Message that came from a cave in the Himalayas has not come out into the world at large.

"No power in the world can stop the Revolution coming now".

When asked whether He is satisfied with the way His message is being spread in the West, particularly in the USA, Shri Babaji replied-"I am beyond satisfaction and dissatisfaction. What I want is karma yoga ! "

26 AUGUST 1983

The Sanatana Dharma* is the universal Law/Religion- eternal, without beginning,

without end. No one knows when it came into being-no one knows how long it will exist.
Hourly, I am speaking to you.

The Sanatana Dharma is the king of all religions. At the beginning of Creation it was the only religion and at the end of Creation it will be the only religion. Sanatana Dharma is like an ocean ; other Dhanids are like rivers - eventually they all merge into the Sanatana Dharma. They will lose their separate existence.

This is a 'Phuro - mantra' - 'Pinda Kacha Shabda sacha'. (The body is perishable; the Word is eternal.)

(*Note: Sanatana, in Sanskrit, means eternal, while dharma, in Sanskrit, means the law of nature.)

31 August 1983

Krishna was also the one who gave to the world the message of the 'Bhagavad Gita', which still today inspires millions of people. On this day He incarnated to lighten the burden of bad karmas of men. The earth was labouring under its burden of bad karmas of men.

It is easy to have wealth, kith and kin and good fortune, even sinners and prostitutes can have these; but the company of great saints and the knowledge of the Lord's name are difficult things to obtain. Only great men have these.

You must know that by living together in a united way, anything may be achieved in this world. People in this area must become united to progress. There is great power in union. If there is unity and love among you, then only can you lead a peaceful and happy life.

We must work untidily. We must all work together to complete our task. In this way, ll work becomes easy. Through division of opinions, great kingdoms and many city-states were ruined in the past; but by living in unity, ruined kingdoms have received new life. On this auspicious day, everybody should take a vow to work together in this life.

Try to develop your villages. There is a Sanskrit proverb, which says that in the Kali Yuga there is power only through organized groups. We must be of firm determination to progress; then only success is certain. Modem man has even travelled in space; he has been to the moon and intends to visit other planets; but people in this area are where they were they have made no progress. Now here we should make efforts to progress, as well. As in these modem times, science and technology have advanced, so-we, too, should strive to advance in every way.

The first thing to do is to root out inaction. As long as you do not become great human Yogas, you can achieve nothing. Today you should all take a vow to root out idleness. Through hard work, it is possible to achieve anything in this world. You can even change creation itself. Have faith in karma yoga. Get peace and happiness through karma yoga. Idleness is the root of all misery in this world.
You must understand that future generations have to make greater progress than we have made. Make efforts so you yourselves become shining lights in future. There is one path to peace and happiness-karma yoga. If we are prepared to work, we can overcome pain and poverty. If there is unity among us, we can even bring down Governments.

Train your children in karma yoga, that they may become people of good and strong character.

(Shri Babaji and Shastriji comment on DETACHMENT)

Shri Babaji said that there were many kinds of detachments, 'Vairagyas'. For instance, the men who invented the atom bomb were detached-they focused all their ttention on one problem forgetting everything else. The main theme, He said, is to focus your attention completely, to concentrate on your goal whatever it is, forgetting all other things. This is renunciation. It leads to God-realization.
Sri Babaji said further that being one-pointed is 'Vairagya'. He told the devotee that he was 'liberated', that he was 'most detached'. The devotee felt neither 'liberated' nor detached', but he touched Shri Babaji's feet and headed to his seat. Shri Babaji called him back.

Babaji re-emphasized that whatever decision you make, whatever goal you set, go after it with great faith- and firm determination, focused on it entirely. Babaji said that just by shaving one's head or putting on orange garb, one does not become 'detached'. One must have firm faith, strong will and complete concentration. The devotee again touched Shri Babaji's feet, thinking the conversation was over.

Shastriji then told him to stand up and Shastriji began to speak. He said that Shukadeva had asked the same three questions of his father, Vyasa. Vyasa had told Shukadeva to go to King Janaka and ask him these questions. When the questions were put to him, King Janaka instructed Shukadeva to circumambulate the city of Mithila, carrying a full bowl of milk. Shukadeva was to be accompanied by two guards with bared swords and if he spilled even one drop of milk they were under orders to cut off his head.

Shukadeva was then sent on his walk, holding the very full bowl of milk. Hours later, he came back into the presence of King Janaka, who asked him what he had seen of the city, Shukadeva replied that he had not seen a thing of the city because he had focused entirely on not spilling the milk, the sword of death hanging in his mind. King Janaka then explained thatthis was how he had to concentrate on his goal-with complete concentration. This was 'detachment' from all the things in life.
The devotee thanked Shastriji and again, with gratitude touched Shri Babaji's feet. At this, Shri Babaji turned from another conversation and asked 'what was your third question? 'It was 'How does one practice detachment when he doesn't have it?'

Shastriji answered: 'dhire, dhire - slowly, slowly' and the devotee laughed.

Shri Babaji leaned forward and pointed at the devotee and clarified: 'With total concentration and great faith and determination! Focus on your goal and everything else fades from view. Then you have 'detachment'.

19 September 1983

The world is transitory. You will find stability only on the path of karma yoga. Only action can take a man to God and give him liberation. The law of karma is so deep that no words are great enough to describe it. The day karma stops on this earth will be the day of its dissolution (pralaya).

Brave ones, all of you, continue to work! Through karma alone will you be able to change the world. It is the only way.

Today the world is playing with fire. We have to be ready to face fire, water and great storms and not be shaken. We have to go beyond the hope of life and the fear of death. Whatever happens we must go ahead. Then only can we benefit the world. We have to bring the path of karma into the light. Now the world is in deep darkness. The Revolution spreading in this world can be controlled by karma alone.

Babaji then whispered two mantras to Shastriji who repeated them:

 YATATAMA DRIRNISHCHAY. He who has control over himself, who is of determined mind, will succeed in life."

 UTIS THATA JAGRATA PRAFT VARAN NIBHOD DHAYAT. Arise! Awake! Go and seek the wise and learn from them."

23 September 1983

The world now is in a state of turmoil. It is suffering from three kinds of pain-physical, mental, spiritual - -and there is only one way of being cured from these. We have to root out inhumanity and replace it with humanity. I have told you before that I do not want differences of -caste, creed, colour or race. When there is only one Humanity, how can there be different creeds and castes? This is quite unreal.

I think it was like this: some shrewd people invented all the differences in order to divide people, to be able to rule over them. So they created castes, their aim being to divide and rule. Differences were created for selfish motives. There are people in this world who, when they see someone else's house is burning, are happy. There are people who want to live in comfort at the expense of the labour of others. There is only one God, who created all men in His image. This is why we have to re-establish humanity.

What I want to instil in man is courage. I want to have a creation of courageous people. Only courageous people can come here. Only courageous people can survive such critical times. I have spoken to you many times about the extent of the calamities to come. They will be so terrible that people without courage will die instantly from heart failure. We have to have the courage to face floods, fire and storms We have to go beyond the fear of death and the hope of life.

I want a creation where there is no dependence of any kind. Everyone should be able to stand on his/her own two feet. The problems of all countries can be solved when everyone becomes hard working. As long as there is laziness in the world, people cannot attain happiness. Today's world leaders have created circumstances, which make it difficult even to breath. If you are active and hard working you can do everything yourselves. Materialism is rising like a great storm and we have to face it.

I have told you before that through Karma Yoga alone can you attain liberation. Karma Yoga can fulfill any material desire you may have, as well. Karma Yoga is Supreme Yoga. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna taught this, too. Not only did they teach it, they also practiced it and were successful in it.
The great battle fought in the 'Mababharata' was an example of Karma Yoga. The tyrant Kings of that time came and fought on the battlefield, where they died fighting bravely - doing their Karma Yoga, and thus attained liberation. This is why Karma Yoga is Supreme. By Karma Yoga, Lord Rama lessened the earth's burden. Those who are lazy, inactive are a burden to the earth.

So all of you have to go beyond the fear of death and the hope of life and go on doing Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga is the only type of yoga that gives immediate results. Whatever you do in the morning, you can see the results in the evening, standing before you like a picture. The seeds sown in the morning sprout by the evening. The farmer harvests the results of his Karma Yoga after six months. Everyone does karma naturally; no one can remain without it. We must perform those actions, which will benefit others-and, not only other people but also the whole of Creation.

It is of no use to give birth to millions of sheep. One hardworking human being is enough to save the world. We must all become hard working and teach coming generations as well. All other forms of yoga come second only to karma yoga because the whole world is maintained by karma. So practice Karma Yoga and progress. People in the world nowadays have become very cowardly. That is why we have to be courageous, adventurous.

11 October 1983
At the Manda Farm, near Vapi, Gujarat:

I wish everyone in this country, as well as all in this world, all the best. Nowadays humanism has been completely killed. Human beings have become like animals. I want to bring back humanism into the soul of every person.

Because of the lack of human spirit, every individual is in tension and fear. I want to relieve everyone from this state.

Ages ago, sages formed the following mantra:

'Sarve bhavantu Sukhina
Sarve Santu Niraamayaa
Sarve Bhadraani pashyantu
Maa Kashchid Dhukhbhag Bhavet.

May all be happy;
May all be free from disease
May all realize what is good;
May none be subject to misery.'

But in all these Ages, under the guise of bringing peace and happiness, only wars took place-like those in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These wars only left millions of women and children in grief Now I want to bring happiness to every living being by reforming the hearts of all individuals. Only by this process can the dream of the sages who formed the mantra come true. For this purpose, the only path is Karma Yoga. Only Karma Yoga can bring satisfaction and good fruits of action. With this, happiness will automatically come into the hearts of the people. Hence, all of you should work hard and follow the path of Karma Yoga.

19 OCTOBER 1983

You must intensify your courage and enthusiasm. I want all work to be done punctually on time. Whatever work you do, do it with a sense of duty. I do not need more work to be done but I want work done with concentration, efficiently and expeditiously. Everyone must do his or her work here as his or her own work. I want everybody to be very active and hard - working. Activity, hard work - is the only way to infuse new life into your country.

There is a great possibility of war in many countries. Also, there are possibilities of civil wars. There will be fights between families and between groups within countries. They will destroy each other this way. That is why I want to emphasize unity.

Your aim in life must be to be always active. If you work hard, then you will be happy. You will get good sleep and a healthy appetite also.

28 OCTOBER 1983

With people going their own way and conflicting with each other, it seems that a time of great crisis is very near. The world needs change from its roots upwards. Oh, my children! Youth of the world! be brave and courageous and be prepared to face life as it comes, because as long as there is no fundamental 'root' change in the world, there can be no improvement.

Oh, brave youth! (It is right to call everyone 'youth now), go from house to house, in any area, wherever you live, wherever you go, and give them this message: ‘Awake! Arise! And be exalted! Make your life a success!'

Now the time is very near, there is no time to do anything else, no time to brood. Wherever you live, get organized, unite and awaken the people. Show the path of Righteousness and Truth to all.
You have to be strong and capable of facing these coming difficult times. Oh, youth! Remove all differences from your minds and unite like one great chain. We have to do well, not bad, for the whole world. You have to gather your courage, leave behind the fear of death to face life with hope and courage. Forget profit and loss - do not be concerned for praise or abuse-march on! You will have to walk through the blazing fire; only then can this world be saved.

29 October 1983

Truth, Simplicity and Love are like a Triveni (A Triveni is the joining place of thee rivers.). The way to success is to join Karma a Yoga to this Ttiveni. Shri Mahaprabhuji is encouraging us to follow the path of Karma Yoga, which is the only way to fulfill our wishes in this, and future lives.
Shri Mahaprabhuji wants the creation of very brave and courageous people in the world. If, with full faith and devotion to God and with a firm determination, people follow the Path of Truth, Simplicity and Love with karma yoga, they will reach their goal. When the whole world is burning with the fire of sins and sorrows and the flames are about to swallow the world, this is the only way by which humanity can be saved. Only he who has firm determination will survive this destruction. That is why great rishis have proclaimed: ‘Awake! Anise Go to the wise and learn from them!'

Now Babaji is suggesting another point-that we must annihilate the feelings of I - ness and 'my - ness' from our minds. You must march forward like a soldier, dutifully and bravely. The thing, which brings man down, is 'attachment' to his own kith and kin. When you all belong to this whole universe, where is the place for 'I' and 'mine'? We must unite as one universal family and march forward in unity. By this means only will the world be benefited. This is not the concern of one individual but the whole universe. The only true man is one who practices 'humanism.' Every man must cultivate the qualities of 'humanity'-this is the only way to success in life.

To teach us this way of 'humanity' or 'humanism': Sadgurudev Shri Babaji has appeared here. Lecturing and talking will not elevate ‘Humanity’ but we must awaken the spirit of humanism in all of mankind. Everyone must remove the differences between themselves and others and work in the world in unity ; otherwise the disorder which is spreading in the world will go on increasing and there will be no cure for it.

Them is only one way for mankind to be saved and that is by changing the hearts of all people. Shri Mahaprabhuji will give His full spiritual power to this, but every man and woman will also have to make their best efforts toward this end. As long as there is no change of heart, humanity is in great danger.

5 November 1983

Until you breathe your last breath, you should not abandon Karma Yoga. Inaction is like death-that is why you must go on working, advancing, and making progress.

10 November 1983

The fact is that your daily routine work from morning till night is the real Kriya Yoga. The union of morning and evening (that is, the work of your whole day) is the real Kriya Yoga.

The union of that work which is started in the morning and finished in the evening is real Kriya Yoga. I don't want to brainwash people; they have already been brainwashed! Those who are doing the brainwashing themselves do not understand the meaning of Kriya and Yoga (union). There is nothing like Kriya Yoga. There is nothing in this world that is not Kriya Yoga. Perfection in work is the real Kriya Yoga.

Every action in this world, including eating and drinking is Kriya Yoga. The digestive process in your body is Kriya. The process of uniting any two or more things is Kriya Yoga. Others are confusing the people of the world. Doing your own duty perfectly, ADVANCE! GO FORWARD! That is Kriya Yoga, that is Karma Yoga-by this means only can you make progress. Perfection in work is Kriya Yoga.

All the scientists now thriving in this world are Kriya Yogis. Concentrated and meditative people are all Kriya Yogis. There is no such separate thing as Kriya Yoga. People have been misled thousands and millions of people have been ensnared in this trap. Only that is Kriya, which brings peace and happiness and all kinds of benefits to people. To do good action is Kriya Yoga. Worship (puja) is also Kriya Yoga, worship of any deity is Kriya Yoga.

You must all do service to humanity, THAT is Kriya Yoga. The times now demand this of you in this world. In every way, in every manner possible, do good to others and make them happy-that is Kriya Yoga. To each individual and to every country, provide what they lack.

17 NOVEMBER 1983

The food, which we eat, must be clean and nutritious, like it was today. We should pay special attention to everyone's health. Wherever there are centres, people should try to grow and cook good vegetables and make halva and distribute them to others! Food should be nutritious so your strength for working win increase and your mind will be strong, too. It is necessary to keep the body in good health in order to do good Karma If your body is not strong, how will you work? We should eat nutritious food so our bodies become energetic and our brains work better.

I want a Creation of strong and healthy people-there is no place for weak people. I want people in this Creation to be as fast in their actions as the Wind. I want people who work with all their bodily energies. At this time the world needs such brave, strong people.

If you are weak, how will you work and how will you live? You must generate energy in order to exist. Everyone must always be working hard. You should never cultivate inaction here. There is no use to be dead weight to the Earth. Whatever wars were fought during the past centuries was only to relieve the world of the dead weight of idleness. You must be hard workers.

If you are engaged in doing good deeds and go on doing good acts, you will have good sleep, good appetite and bad thoughts will not cross your mind. Otherwise, you will always be criticizing others. In inaction, your minds will always be engaged in thinking critically of others. Karma -activity - is the only thing, which can drive out all evils.

20 NOVEMBER 1983

At the present time in this world, Karma Yoga is greatly needed. The fact is, due to the progress of science and technology, people are becoming lazy. For example, computers have been invented and all calculations is done by computers and many people are not using their minds and bodies.
Look at the doctors. Many machines have been invented which test and examine things in a very short time. so doctors do not have to use their own brains. They can accomplish tests in five seconds that would otherwise require five days. Soon they will cease to use their own minds and will become totally dependent on machines. This will make them inactive.

Science has made great progress in this world. Where we used to engage a thousand men to work, now a bulldozer does the work in seconds. But that makes a thousand people useless and unemployed. While unemployment is increasing in this world, people have lost their peace of mind. The reason for this is because man has ceased to work. Due to this inaction, all kinds of pains and sicknesses are increasing in the world.

I want you to take the energy of the machines into yourselves and work like machines! In one respect, if you correctly observe, you see that science is weakening human beings. How can you test your own talents and faculties if you do not use them ? For example, take a soldier-how can he show his strength and valour if he is only using a machine?

We must follow a Path, which will strengthen us, so we must not be dependent on machines. How can that be done? It can only be done when you are hard working and active. That is why it is very essential to be active and hard working. See Babaji here, who is working from morning until evening like a machine. Everyone must advance by the practice of Karma Yoga This is the best Path for all. No one should cease the practice of Karma Yoga. This is the eternal, unshakable way. Everything, all knowledge, all science, came through Karma, hard work.

23 NOVEMBER 1983

The fact is, a great fire of sins and sorrows is burning throughout the world. Everyone living walks and works through this fire. People have become disheartened; Death is dancing before everyone's eyes; everyone has this experience.

Those who are present here, from whatever place they come, live here in unity, as one-and so must you live in your own country.

At present, not only humanity is in danger, but all sentient and insentient beings of the universe are in danger. I have not only to consider human beings but I have to save the entire Creation. How is this possible? (A long pause). It is quite impossible. The calamities, which are coining to this world, are unavoidable. Only he who has strong determination to do good acts and who is strongly devoted to God can survive this destruction.

Whoever lives in whatever place or country, there is no necessity of your coming running here. Please do not waste your time like this! The time and energy, which you waste in coming and -going to and from here, should be used by doing sadhana (religious worship and work.) in your home place. The coming and going is just a waste of time. Wherever you live, you must work hard to provide whatever your country lacks. Go on repeating God's Name and go on working, doing good deeds.
Only by Karma Yoga can you advance and be successful in your life. This is the only invincible weapon - like Vajra (the divine weapon of Indra, the King of Heaven).' If you use this weapon, even during the time of total destruction you will not be move or shaken. That is why you should never cease action.

You should not do anything which will do harm to others. You should do those good deeds, which benefit the majority of the people. That is why all of you should advance by giving first priority to Karma Yoga (work). Karma is the only Yoga, which brings success to a person. This Yoga is so powerful that even a little practice of it relieves a person from sorrow and sickness. Only that work which benefits the majority of people is truly called 'Karma Yoga'.

You must organize and unite people more and more wherever you live.

17 December 1983

It is not necessary for all of you to come running here again and again. You must all be busy in doing your own work (duty) and by doing that you will be cooperating in the universal work. You must all be prepared to contribute to the universal good. Go and remain in your own place, I do not like people roaming about like dogs. If you go anywhere, go for some purpose. If you do anything, do it for a good purpose. Use that time which you would waste in coming and going to and from here to do good to some human being-to any living being.

Advance! and help others in making progress!

Now a terrible time is coming I have told you this previously. By this great Revolution even the geography of the world will change.

I request that all of you work hard for the upliftment of humanity. Try to protect the rights of humanity. Step forward to protect humanity!

At the present time, inhumanity has spread everywhere. We have to totally root out inhumanity and we have to establish humanity throughout the world. I told you previously that you might wonder what I will do and how I will manage it when only Amar Singh, with broken teeth, is with Me. What will broken - toothed Amar Singh do ? He who only sits in the kitchen all day!

LOOK! When the time of need arises, all the army, navy, and air power, all newly - invented weapons of war-atomic and nuclear and hydrogen bombs - will be provided. Like armies of ants, these forces will be lined up here. That is why I say you should not wonder what I could do - I can do everything.
You must all step together and form a great international organization - bigger than anything organized in the history of the world. I do not want you all to be ruined or destroyed. A great Revolution is going to take place such as has never before occurred in the world. The, hearts of the people who read or hear the history of this Revolution will melt. This is an era of great destruction-no other time can be compared to this. The Revolution will last not for minutes but only for some seconds. The countries, which have invented these destructive weapons, will themselves be destroyed. They should not think they are secure. Only he who has surrendered completely at the feet of Shri Mahaprabhuji (God) is secure.

We must not stand still-we must advance for the sake of our countries, for the upliftment of the human race, for all humanity. We must establish Karma Yoga, we must eliminate idleness from the world. I have told you before, also, that I want active and hardworking people. I do not want to live in a - world of inaction that is why I want to make everyone energetic.

Now Shri Mahaprabhuji requests you to step forth for the benefit of all humanity. Leaving behind dishonesty and craftiness, step forward to cultivate humanitarian qualities and protect humanism and humanity!

17 DECEMBER 1983
 (Evening Darshan)

You must consider work as the real devotion and go on doing Karma Yoga always. Shri Mahaprabhuji says, I’m always telling you about working hard. My head has become very hot from the constant repetition of this same thing'.

This world is transitory; the Name of God is the true reality. Everything in this world is destructible, transient, and ephemeral. So you must all repeat God's Name and sing kirtan and bhajans with devotion and concentration. Without this, how can you attain Enlightenment and make progress?
The kirtan and bhajans, which we sing here, must be sung with such deep devotion and concentration that the Deity of whom you are singing must be invoked to appear before you.

You must go on working and doing kirtan, too. Many times I hive told you about this and I hope I will tell you many times in the future because I want to see everyone lively and energetic. When time moving so quickly, why do you reduce your speed ? You must work as fast as a machine; your brain must work in mantras like a computer. You should not brood over things; to obey the orders of Shri Mahaprabhuji is your real yoga. This is the only mantra for you - to obey the orders of Shri Mahaprabhuji.

Leaving behind the fear of death and the hope of life, you must advance. You should not be afraid of fire or water. When the need arises, we will have to jump into the ocean; when the time comes, we must be prepared to jump into the fire. That is-why all of you must be as firm and stable as Mount Meru. The thing is that this whole world is transitory - why do you entertain confusion in your minds? You must have only one aim, one goal, to serve every living being in the universe.

19 December 1983

We must depend on ourselves and not lay our burden on others. Our security is in our own hands.

Only those who are very alert and careful can be successful in their life. Everyone who comes here must consider himself a yogi; yogis have to be very alert.

21 December 1983

Everyone must remove differences/distinctions from their hearts. There must be more stress on unity. We must put an end to all kinds of differences of opinion and other differences, too. We must step forward, keeping in mind the problems that the coming great crisis will bring.

Everyone must use his own common sense-he should do his duty without waiting to be told what to do. To do your duty is the greatest worship (puja), the greatest service (seva), the greatest devotion (jap) and penance (tapas).

All of you must give the greatest significance to Karma Yoga. You all have advanced through Karma Yoga only. You must all advance with a firm determination To have firm determination is Yoga; to be stable and firm in your determination is yoga. You should not be shaken from your determination. To be shaken from your determination is to lose your direction - that is why you must make a firm determination and stick to it.

23 December 1983
 (During Evening Darshan)

This entire world is transitory, only God's Name is eternal. The fact is that the geography, the structure of the world is always changing. The fact is that if you are not able to learn anything from such experienced, learned people (as Babaji spoke just before), and then you are the most unfortunate of people.

There is one thing I want to tell you all. In whatever way you can, you should come here and be benefited and liberated. To attain salvation is the highest achievement of man. You must seek liberation and help to liberate others.

The fact is that the world is transitory. That I have told you repeatedly.

25 December 1983

Today mankind has greatly degenerated. People are like puppets dancing for demonic leaders. We have to protect the people and lead them to progress. We must not lose courage.

1 January 1984

I have already told you before that the difficult times are very near. Awake! Arise! Go to the wise and learn from them. All of you must unite together and face these calamities.

1 February 1984

It is not I, but Time, which is talking through My mouth. Time is rolling on with great speed. All countries have raised their heads, with mouths open, like cobras, waiting for the opportunity to swallow each other. At this critical time, courage and bravery are needed. Along with your Karma Yoga, you must repeat the Name of God within your heart.

I do not like dishonesty; I want everyone to be honest and dutiful. Everyone must do his duty correctly. You must know what you should do and be busy doing it. By Karma one will not fall but will always rise higher. That is why you should never be afraid of doing hard work. We must do everything according to the need of the times. No work is low or bad in this world if it is done in the right spirit. By Karma only can you advance! That is why a man should never hesitate to do any work. Whether it is high or low, big or small, no work is bad. Work is work.

Courage is life. One who has no courage is like a dead body. So My aim is to benefit the whole world - not just one individual or one country.

All of you must be always ready and make efforts for universal good. You must help each other for that. You must always be prepared to do good acts and, wherever you live, you must organize weekly or monthly satsang (meetings for the Truth). Have large gatherings to discuss measures to be taken for the good of the whole world. Invite learned men and scientists; consult with them and take their advice. You must find ways and means to do universal good.

You should seek advancement only through Karma Yoga. Everyone can attain courage and shakti (power/energy) through Karma Yoga. Impossibilities can be turned into possibilities by sheer hard work. Therefore, all of us must progress and advance via the Path of Karma - Yoga.

This is not only a matter regarding this place but wherever you go, or wherever you work, you must maintain this very standard because this is not only for Shri Mahaprabhuji that you do this hard work, it is for your own elevation and liberation. No matter what the karma is, we must not turn away from it, because we have to meet the challenge of the coming times. If and when the time arises and we have to go to war, even then we must not turn back.

Therefore, all of you must adopt Karma Yoga as your dedicated Path and go forth in the world.

5 February 1984
(The Last Message)

May all of you be blissful and happy!
You must attain peace, prosperity and happiness in your lives.